Lancaster Mobley completed the traffic impact study (TIS) to address local and State approval criteria, as well as the State’s Transportation Planning Rule (TPR) for the Hillside Master Plan for Housing Opportunity which is a grant-funded project that envisioned the future of this 16-acre public housing community in Milwaukie/Clackamas County.

The planning process engaged residents and community members, who helped develop this vibrant mixed-use, mixed-income community. The design preserves and rebuilds existing affordable housing at the site, while creating opportunities for expanded housing choice and type.

The master plan project was kicked off in 2018, with the stated goals being:

  • Add up to 400 new affordable housing units
  • Community gathering space
  • Enhanced outdoor recreation areas
  • Other amenities that will serve both Hillside residents and neighbors
  • A mixed-use community with potential new retail and office space