Over the last several years Lancaster Mobley has provided transportation engineering services to the Oregon City School District as part of the redevelopment of Gardiner Middle School.

The redevelopment of the site includes construction of a new middle school building in the southern portion of the site, new athletic facilities in the northern portion of the site, and reconfiguration of the school’s accesses. The completed traffic study examined the impact of the increased student capacity on the adjacent neighborhood streets and demonstrated compliance with Clackamas County’s Safe Routes to School Action Plan. Additionally, a traffic control plan was prepared to ensure safe and efficient operation of nearby transportation facilities during construction.

We also reviewed the proposed infrastructure improvements associated with the Gardiner Middle School renovation project in Oregon City, Oregon and made recommendations for traffic control during the construction of these improvements. The Gardiner Middle School renovation intends to demolish the existing school facility and construct a new building on the existing school track and field. Several phases of the renovation project were identified to have impacts to the local vehicular circulation on several residential streets. These impacts are a result of capital improvements to upgrade pedestrian and bicycle facilities and upgrade public stormwater piping.