Pop-up Par-Tee
Toole Design and PBOT sponsored the Association of Pedestrian & Bicycle Professionals' post conference happy hour last night. A parking lot turned beer garden and mini golf course [...]
Toole Design and PBOT sponsored the Association of Pedestrian & Bicycle Professionals' post conference happy hour last night. A parking lot turned beer garden and mini golf course [...]
Lancaster Engineering assisted PBOT in the design of a Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon (RRFB) along Water Street near OMSI.
Brian Davis is a presenter at Oregon State Park's Main Street Conference in October. Along with his co-presenter Evan Manvel, they will speak about Parking Management Strategies that [...]
Congrats to Senior Transportation Engineer Will Farley on his 7-year anniversary with the firm! With sunshine on his shoulder and Griz in his lap - what could be [...]
A happy hour was held at The Yard House to welcome our two newest team mates - Terrington and Greg. Cheers!
Greg Mallon recently joined our team as a Transportation Planning Analyst. Greg has a BS in Community Development with a Minor in Sustainability from Portland State University. He [...]
Please welcome Terrington Smith, newly hired as a Transportation Analyst. A 2018 University of Portland Civil Engineering grad and active ASCE member, Terrington was brought on board to [...]
Lancaster Engineering crushed it at the recent SELCO Pole Pedal Paddle event. Check out these action photos!
Daniel Stumpf, our Transportation Engineer, celebrates his 4 year anniversary with Lancaster Engineering in the best way - achieving his PE license. Congratulations! [...]
‘Twas the night before March Madness, when all thro’ the firm, Not a creature was stirring, not even a worm; The brackets were hung in the kitchen with [...]