Welcome to 2025! We’re kicking off the year and can’t wait to share some of the projects we’re most looking forward to this year. Here are some highlights from each of our 3 offices:

TrIMet East Side Park and Ride Hazelwood Site - Lancaster Mobley project

Hazelwood Site

TrIMet East Side Park and Ride Rockwood Site - Lancaster Mobley project

Rockwood Site

TriMet East Side Park and Ride

Lancaster Mobley is excited to work with Walker Macy and TriMet on a planning study to examine redevelopment opportunities for two existing TriMet Park and Ride lots on E Burnside Street.  We are preparing a Site Access & Mobility Study to provide a detailed examination of each of the two sites from a transportation perspective, from existing conditions to future planned improvements, land use considerations, and a preliminary look at future Transportation Demand Management strategies.  We will also assist with the site Master Plan in an advisory role, examining the feasibility of transportation-specific issues.

Client: TriMet

City of Stevenson

Stevenson Lasher Street Improvements

Following up on our Stevenson Citywide Traffic Study conducted in 2022, Lancaster Mobley is working with Wallis Engineering to bring some of our study’s recommended improvements into reality.  Our work will focus on making recommendations for lighting design to meet WSDOT requirements for Lasher Street, with particular attention to pedestrian safe lighting.  We will evaluate and present lighting options and follow up with design drawings and construction cost estimates.

Client: City of Stevenson

Ochoco Mill Apartments Pedestrian Crossing Analysis and Street Lighting Design - Lancaster Mobley project

Ochoco Mill Apartments Pedestrian Crossing Analysis and Street Lighting Design

The Ochoco Mill Apartments will be a 312-unit multifamily low-rise housing development in Prineville.  Lancaster Mobley has been enlisted to conduct an Intersection Crossing Evaluation as a condition of approval to determine the most appropriate location and type of pedestrian crossing on Highway 380.  Our analysis includes examining crash history, sight distance, lighting, and Safe Routes to School due to the proximity of the nearby elementary and middle school.  Our report will make recommendations for crossing treatments and supporting pedestrian infrastructure at the crossing location.  Our project involvement will be followed up with street lighting design.

Client: Coblat Built