We bring you the 7th episode of “Tales from our Home Offices” during the stay-at-home-order. Lancaster Mobley has transitioned to working from our home offices while Oregon is under a stay-at-home order. We thought you might like to see the view from our temporary, socially-distant offices!

Today, we get a sneak peak into Daniel’s home office:

We can all dream of a day where our home workspace is as spacious and organized as Daniel’s clearly is.

A big window? Check.
2 monitors? Check.
An “L” shaped desk solely for work? Check.

What else could one ask for?

He also sent along a photo that looks familiar to us all–1 of the many sports complexes shut down over the last couple months. Someday we will all be able to go to a Timbers game together again!

Find out more about our Transportation Engineer, Daniel, here.