Lancaster Engineering Sponsors Pecha Kucha
Lancaster Engineering is proud to sponsor the 2019 Pecha Kucha Happy Hour on April 25. Pecha kucha is a simple presentation format where you show 20 images, each [...]
Lancaster Engineering is proud to sponsor the 2019 Pecha Kucha Happy Hour on April 25. Pecha kucha is a simple presentation format where you show 20 images, each [...]
Ahhh Spring. Having a drone is one more tool in Lancaster Engineering's transportation toolbox - and a nice way to celebrate the seasons.
In honor of Portland Design week's spirit of creativity, here is a concept design for a mini-roundabout which suggest using no traffic control. It's really popular in Europe, [...]
Daniel Stumpf, our Transportation Engineer, celebrates his 4 year anniversary with Lancaster Engineering in the best way - achieving his PE license. Congratulations! [...]
Jessica Hijar attended the Traffic Signal Inspector Certification course in Bend last week. The course provides inspectors with practical knowledge for conducting traffic signal inspections for projects on [...]
Will Farley recently attended the March ITE panel discussion on emerging technologies. Lancaster Engineering has a long leadership history with ITE. Todd Mobley is an Oregon Chapter past [...]
‘Twas the night before March Madness, when all thro’ the firm, Not a creature was stirring, not even a worm; The brackets were hung in the kitchen with [...]
Congrats OISA competitors! As promised, here are more photos from the exciting championships.
Melissa Webb, from Lancaster Engineering's Bend office, just attended the Murphy Corridor Improvement Project Open House. We were interested to hear Bend City staff describe the project goals, existing conditions, [...]
Good luck Oregon Interscholastic Snowboard Association! Todd Mobley is the president of the OISA Gorge League and the 2019 state championships are underway. Lancaster Engineering is a long-time sponsor [...]