Daniel joined Lancaster Mobley in 2015, and has provided research and analysis on several master plan and annexation projects throughout Oregon and Washington. His strengths include project management, intersection analysis, and sight distance studies.
BS, Civil Engineering
Portland State University
Portland, OR
Professional Registrations
Professional Engineer in
Service & Awards
Member, Engineers Without Borders
Representative Projects
2nd & Lombard Mixed-Use Building, Portland, OR
Traffic Impact Study for 5-story mixed use building with 173 residential apartments and 2651 square foot retail space.
Mt. Angel Subdivision, Mt. Angel, OR
Traffic Impact Study for 50-62 lot subdivision located on 20-acre parcel in Mt. Angel including safety analyses and sight distance.
Clackamas Community College Master Plan, Oregon City, OR
Transportation Planning services necessary to inform the land use process related to new construction on the Clackamas Community College campus in Oregon City.
Serres Farm Annexation, Oregon City, OR
A 35.65-acre property proposed for annexation into the City of Oregon City which also entailed a zone change. Lancaster assessed the potential impacts of the proposed annexation and addressed the transportation analysis requirements of Oregon City, the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT), and Oregon’s Transportation Planning Rule. The report identified the potential net increase in traffic, examined the transportation impacts of the added trips at the planning horizon and included a detailed examination of crash history.
Scappoose Airpark, Scappoose, OR
Lancaster Mobley prepared a traffic impact study to support the proposed Master Plan and development of the Scappoose Airpark. Lancaster Mobley addressed the analysis requirements and operational and safety standards of the City of Scappoose, Columbia County, and the Oregon Department of Transportation.