Hillside Manor Master Plan
Hillside Master Plan site plan

Hillside Master Plan was approved by the Milwaukie City council on Tuesday night. The Milwaukie affordable housing project goals include up to 400 additional affordable housing unites, a community gathering space, enhanced outdoor recreation areas, other amenities that will serve both Hillside residents and neighbors, and a mixed-use community with potential new retail and office space. The project vision reads:

The Hillside Master Plan will set the vision for a vibrant mixed-use, mixed-income community that preserves and rebuilds existing affordable housing at the 16 acre site., while creating new opportunities for expanding housing options and types.

The meeting had a public hearing aspect, and after a thorough discussion, was approved unanimously by the Milwaukie City Council.

You can see the City Council meeting, and the proceedings around the Hillside Master Plan here, and you can read more about our role in the project here.