Our very own Todd Mobley was interviewed for a Wall Street Journal article titled “How Office Culture Changed in the Pandemic—From Workers Who Went Back Ages Ago.”
In Portland, Ore., the eight-member office staff at Lancaster Mobley, a transportation consulting company, returned on a voluntary basis last summer. Having individual offices helped, owner Todd Mobley says. People stopped wearing masks in common areas after everyone got vaccinated; now, with Delta, the company has ordered the masks back on.
“We just kind of take it as it comes,” Mr. Mobley says.
Most of his staff come in a few days a week. To make the hybrid arrangement work, the office has invested in a monitor rigged with a video camera that attaches to a wheeled cart. It can be parked at the edge of a conference table for meetings with both in-person and remote participants.
Last year we had a series of articles about remote working, small holidays, and socially distanced team building activities and outings. Our team has adapted brilliantly to the pandemic, and we look forward to continued success going forward. Thanks to the whole Lancaster Mobley team for rolling with the changes!