Jessica brings analytical experience in both the public and private sectors. At Lancaster Mobley, she conducts transportation impact analyses, parking demand studies, and temporary traffic control plans. She excels with traffic signal and street lighting design. Jessica is a graduate of Georgia Institute of Technology and joined Lancaster in 2016.
BS, Civil Engineering
Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, GA
Professional Certification
ODOT Certified
Traffic Signal Inspector
Representative Projects
Eagle Ridge Apartments, Troutdale, OR
Modification of the traffic signal and installation of an enhanced pedestrian crossing at intersections needed to accommodate intended improvements as part of the Eagle Ridge Apartments project. Jessica is working with Multnomah County regarding any necessary pedestrian ramps, and modifications and upgrades to signal infrastructure.
Beaverton Public Safety Center Fiber, Beaverton, OR
Provided a transportation study for the comprehensive plan amendment and zone change application for Beaverton Public Safety Building. Lancaster Mobley examined the trip generation associated with the existing and proposed zonings in order to determine if the map amendment and zone change would have a significant effect on the nearby transportation system.
Clark County On-call, Clark County, OR
Jessica is part of Lancaster’s on-call response team. She has worked on several traffic signal modifications to high crash intersections.